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Highlights some of the programs and events that the library organized or hosted to support the academic and cultural life of the campus and community.

Graduate Research & Writing Bootcamp

​In collaboration with the USG Macklin Center for Academic Success (MCAS), the Library hosted 2 virtual Graduate Research & Writing Bootcamps. There were a total of 58 students from 8 different USG graduate programs in attendance. The students gained familiarity with tools to find, access and identify sources for their research, skills in technical and scholarly writing, and insights on critically analyzing the methodologies and data described in research articles. 

VR Lab Launch

On February 1st, the VR Lab held an official launch event that was attended by over 40 people, including students from various programs, faculty, and staff. Attendees were able to try out the simulated experience, play games, and interact with their peers. Additionally, participants provided feedback and suggestions to help improve the Lab.


Banning Books

An exhibition that introduced the audience to the history of censored, banned, and burned books throughout history displayed in October 2022. Three staff and 3 students collaborated on research in the history of banned books to produce 7 posters.

2022 MD Tech Connect

The 8th annual instance of the statewide library technology conference, MD Tech Connect, returned in December 2022 to the USG campus for the first time since 2019.  Priddy Library staff again served on the planning committee, joining members of the Division of Library Services & Development (State Library) in the MD Department of Education and the chair of MD Lib Tech (a community of practice around library technology in Maryland).  This daylong event brought dozens of library professionals to campus from across the state and the District of Columbia.


This year’s theme was Data: how libraries collect, interpret, and share it.  Keynote speakers Dr. John Tripp of Iron River Analytics and Jessica Vitak of the UMD College of Information Studies bookended presentations from the libraries of Towson University, University of Baltimore, and UMD, as well as several Maryland public and school libraries.

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The Legacy of Rosenwald

The Legacy of Rosenwald: An exhibition that chronicles the history of Julius Rosenwald and his impact was displayed in September and October 2022

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