Annual Report 2014
MCPS: Reference & Research
Seamless access to information prompted a decision to transition from print to electronic format. The librarians worked with journal and database providers to evaluate the usage statistics to determine which titles could be retained and/or unsubscribed. MCPS and USG worked closely with OCLC to implement an EZ-Proxy server to provide access to the subscribed e-journals & databases collection regardless of location; after authentication as a member of the MCPS community. A new tab was added to the Priddy Library Webpage that links MCPS patrons to the e-journals and databases as well as the MCPS Patron LibGuide.
Outreach to MCPS staff included virtual and in person assistance at both USG and MCPS locations. These interactions included orientation to library services, one-on-one research assistance, information literacy skills instruction, and guidance on effective use of databases. MCPS Professional Development classes were paired with USG institutions for library instruction through the Education Librarian.