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Daniel Feinberg

Eileen Harrington published her first book Exploring Environmental Science with Children and Teens. The book is an excellent resource for elementary and middle school teachers and libraries which features hands-on activities, readings and explorations into the science beyond the topics.  The book is published by the American Library Association.

Faculty Connections: Collaborative Teaching in the Online Environment Designed to Develop Critical Thinking and Information Literacy is the title of a paper Daniel Feinberg presented at the American Educational Studies Association Conference held October 30 - November 3, 2014. Click here to view the paper.

Stacey Grijalva completed her studies in information science and received a Master of Library Science degree from Texas Woman’s University, Austin Texas, in December 2013.

Irene Munster organized a colloquium in Buenos Aires, Argentina titled Huellas del judaismo centroeuropeo en America Latina (Roots of Central European Judaism in Latin America) in June 2014. The symposium honored the work and memory of Central European immigrants to Latin America, their contributions to Latin American Judaism and the creation of German speaking Judaic communities on the American continent.


Stacey Grijalva

Irene Munster

Eileen Harrington

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